A Lesson in the Silence, a Poem in Serbian Language by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & Translated From English by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić
Lekcija u Tišini Postoji pouka u tišini Zemlje. Pažljivo slušajte! Ako želite sebe da spasite, Zemlju spašavajte. Ako želite svoje buduće generacije da sačuvate, Zemlju čuvajte. Ako želite život u Univerzumu da zaštitite, Zemlju štitite. Bez Zemlje besmisleno je sve! Kunemo se - Mi ćemo Zemlju spasiti za sebe! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India [Translated into Serbian by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić, Novi Sad, Serbia] ■ A Lesson in the Silence There is a lesson in the silence of the earth Listen carefully:- If you want to save yourself save the earth, If you want to save your next generations save the earth, If you want to save life in the Universe save the earth, Everything is meaningless without the earth! We swear- we will save the earth for ourselves! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India (Original in English) ■