
Showing posts from April, 2023

A Lesson in the Silence, a Poem in Serbian Language by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & Translated From English by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić

  Lekcija u Tišini Postoji pouka u tišini Zemlje. Pažljivo slušajte! Ako želite sebe da spasite, Zemlju spašavajte. Ako želite svoje buduće generacije da sačuvate, Zemlju čuvajte. Ako želite život u Univerzumu da zaštitite, Zemlju štitite. Bez Zemlje besmisleno je sve! Kunemo se - Mi ćemo Zemlju spasiti za sebe! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India  [Translated into Serbian by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić, Novi Sad, Serbia] ■ A Lesson in the Silence There is a lesson in the silence of the earth Listen carefully:- If you want to save yourself  save the earth, If you want to save your next generations  save the earth, If you want to save life in the Universe  save the earth, Everything is meaningless without the earth! We swear-  we will save the earth  for ourselves! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India  (Original in English) ■

Like a Mother : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

The earth does not give  birth to us  from her womb- yet like a mother, she gives affection takes care and nurtures  forever! The earth does not give  birth to us  from her womb- yet like a mother, meets every need reads each of our sorrows gives the courage to live forever! The earth does not give  birth to us  from her womb- yet like a mother, gives happiness despite suffering stands as a shield over obstacles wants to see us on top forever! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer  Fatehpur, UP, India 

Geometry : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

I love her  so much, she loves me  so much, still  we  keep having  arguments and keep fighting, I want  to understand  the triangle of  love argument  and  fighting  with geometrical rules! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India