
Showing posts from August, 2020

We Have to Stand Firm by Dr. Shailesh Veer

Actual or virtual  world is world- At both places we will find  good and bad people, We don't have to be desperate, we have to stand firm! Actual or virtual  world is world- We should  never be disappointed, and always do our work honestly. Some people  will push us  and try to knock us down, We don't have to be desperate, we have to stand firm! Actual or virtual  world is world- If here are  some people jealous of us,  some people also love us. If some people here  don't think good for us, some people never want our  inauspicious. We have to try to end  the dominance of evil, We don't have to be desperate, we have to stand firm! Actual or virtual  world is world- The battle between  good and evil  continues for centuries, Good always wins goodness proves  itself right  in each and every hard time. Almighty God is always with Good we have seen always. We will win again  again and again we will never leave the truth, We don't have to be desperate, we have to stand fi

Beatific Intimacy, a poem in Serbian Language by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & translated from English by Ljiljana Samardžić

BLAŽENA INTIMNOST Kada- Ti sviraš frulu, Tada- bezbrojni lotosi cvjetaju u srcu! Kada- me Ti dočekuješ  sa lotosom, Tada- melodija frule postaje vanzemaljska! Muzika našeg daha je jedna, Melodija naših otkucaja je jedna, Mi nismo dvoje, Mi smo jedno! Božanski osmjeh paunovog pera  pruža veliko zadovoljstvo, Preplavljeni smo beskrajnim blaženstvom. © Dr. Shailesh Veer (Translated by Ljiljana Samardžić into Serbian from English) □ □ □ [Picture Credit : Ranjana Kashyap] BEATIFIC INTIMACY  When-  you play the flute, Then-  innumerable lotuses bloom in heart! When- you welcome me with lotus, Then- flute tune becomes otherworldly! The music of our breath is one The melody of our beats is one We are not two, We are one! The divine smile of the peacock feather is  giving great pleasure, We are overwhelmed with immense bliss. © Dr. Shailesh Veer 11/08/2020 (Original in English) □ □ □ [Poet : Dr. Shailesh Veer] Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer is an Indian poet. He is a bilingual, writes in English &

Beatific Intimacy : Dr. Shailesh Veer

When-  you play the flute, Then- innumerable lotuses bloom in heart! When- you welcome me with lotus, Then- flute tune becomes otherworldly! The music of our breath is one The melody of our beats is one We are not two, We are one! The divine smile of the peacock feather is  giving great pleasure, We are overwhelmed with immense bliss. © Dr. Shailesh Veer 11/08/2020 [Picture Credit : Ranjana Kashyap]