
Showing posts from June, 2021

When I Saw the Sun, a Poem in Serbian Language by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & translated From English by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić

Kada sam vidio Sunce Kada sam vidio Sunce, Mislio sam ovo je moje! Kada sam vidio Mjesec, Mislio sam ovo je moje! Kada sam vidio Zvijezde, Mislio sam sve one su moje! Kada sam vidio Nebo,  Mislio sam ovo je moje! Onda sam poželio još...! Bio sam nezadovoljan Bio sam vrlo nesrećan Bio sam bezmalo Got! Kada sam shvatio da je Sve ovo za svakoga, Humanost se probudila  u meni tada! Sada - sam zadovoljan i blažen!! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer [Translated into Serbian by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić, Novi Sad, Serbia] ■ When I Saw the Sun When I saw the Sun, Thought this is mine! When I saw the Moon, Thought this is mine! When I saw the Stars, Thought all these are mine! When I saw the Sky, Thought this is mine! Then I wanted more…! I was dissatisfied I was very unhappy I was almost Goth! When I realized that All these are for everyone, Then humanity awakened in me! Now - I am satisfied I am blissfully!! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 28/09/2016 ■