
Two Poems in Russian by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer [Translated From English by Natalie Bisso]

Два стихотворения на русском языке доктора Шайлеша Гупты Вира и перевод с английского Натали Биссо 1- Столетия спустя  - Доктор Шайлеш Гупта Вир  Когда я прочел в ее глазах глубокую любовь к себе, Она полностью растворилась в моем дыхании. Когда я любовался ее розовыми щечками, Она написала свое имя в моем сердце. Когда я подарил ей красную розу, она жестом попросила меня воткнуть эту розу ей в волосы - и как только я воткнул эту красную розу ей в волосы, Она стала такой застенчивой и опустила голову. Мы оба были погружены в безмерную любовь. Небо хотело заключить землю в свои объятия, и земля захотела раствориться в объятиях неба! Столетия спустя две души страстно желали слиться друг с другом. □ 2- С белой шифоновой дупаттой - Доктор Шайлеш Гупта Вир Блеск ее глаз подчеркивает красоту мира, Румянец ее губ делает Сумерки романтичными, Аура ее щек будоражит воображение, Звон ее сережек заставляет резонировать все вокруг, Волшебная улыбка на ее лице придает цветам еще больше аромата, Ког

Micropoetry of Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer in American Newspaper

Seven Micropoems by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer in Punjabi Writer Weekly, New York, US. [02-08 October, 2024, Page-26]

Dreams Have Come Crashing Down, a Poem in Serbian by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & Translated from English by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić

Pjesnik : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Prevodilac : Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić ■ SNOVI SU SE SRUŠILI VOLJELA ME JE IZUZETNO DUBOKO VOLIO SAM JE IZUZETNO DUBOKO TAKOĐE SMO MNOGA OBEĆANJA DALI U DELIKATNIM TRENUCIMA LJUBAVI NA TOJ PLANETI ROMANTIKE NIJE BILO NIKOGA SEM NAS DVOJE UZBUDLJIVOST DATIH OBEĆANJA ČINILA JE NAŠU LJUBAV JOŠ DUBLJOM OBOJE SMO IMALI DRUGAČIJU ZEMLJU DRUGAČIJE NEBO POSTOJALI SMO SAMO NAS DVOJE U TOM NATPRIRODNOM SVIJETU... VRIJEME JE ODMICALO IZGUBILI SMO ZEMLJU I NEBO SVI SNOVI SU SE SRUŠILI SVA OBEĆANJA SU ODLETJELA KAO OBLACI NA VJETRU SJEDIM PORED MORA I GLEDAM KAKO SE RUŠI PALATA SJEĆANJA... © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur/UP/India  [Translated into Serbian by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić, Novi Sad, Serbia] [Poet : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer] [Translator : Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić] ■ Dreams Have Come Crashing Down   She loved me extremely deep I loved her extremely deep  We also made many promises  in the delicate moments of love In that planet of romance There was no one

In the Interest of Culture : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

Dedicated to Dear Friend Maria Teresa Liuzzo :- Whether or not I get your company,  My soul chats to you  My heart sways when I hear your voice You say - I am very close to your heart I say - You are in my heart! You are miles away from me But  I feel your presence - with the winds blowing from the west, I see your reflection - in the playful waves rising from the sea, Then the twinkling stars start humming - "How close the two souls are!" I know well - We both are deeply connected on an intellectual level, The philosophy of beauty is  also inherent in this intellectualism, The message of peace and humanity  lies in the unity of the two of us, We will continue to work together  happily in the interest of culture, We will definitely create a new chapter! Darling, you just stay close to my heart And keep chatting with my soul for ages. © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer  Fatehpur, UP, India  30/05/2024 [This poem is entirely dedicated to my dear, great friend Maria Teresa Liuzzo. She is

Possibility : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

The son touched the sky  and talked with the stars, The son created history  and won every battle of life, The son achieved  all that  the father could not, Everything is possible for the son, Because the father's blessings are  always with him! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer  Fatehpur, UP, India  25/05/2023

Cannot Be Compared : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

Whose glory is greater than  the expanse of the sky, Whose love is deeper than  the depth of the ocean, Which is  the cause of  motion! Whose touch turns  despair into hope, Whose presence fills  nature with elation, Which cannot be  compared to any other  in the entire creation! The one who is  supernatural  in the cosmic world - A Mother!! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India [Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer with his Mother]

A Lesson in the Silence, a Poem in Serbian Language by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & Translated From English by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić

  Lekcija u Tišini Postoji pouka u tišini Zemlje. Pažljivo slušajte! Ako želite sebe da spasite, Zemlju spašavajte. Ako želite svoje buduće generacije da sačuvate, Zemlju čuvajte. Ako želite život u Univerzumu da zaštitite, Zemlju štitite. Bez Zemlje besmisleno je sve! Kunemo se - Mi ćemo Zemlju spasiti za sebe! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India  [Translated into Serbian by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić, Novi Sad, Serbia] ■ A Lesson in the Silence There is a lesson in the silence of the earth Listen carefully:- If you want to save yourself  save the earth, If you want to save your next generations  save the earth, If you want to save life in the Universe  save the earth, Everything is meaningless without the earth! We swear-  we will save the earth  for ourselves! © Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer Fatehpur, UP, India  (Original in English) ■