In the Interest of Culture : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

Dedicated to Dear Friend Maria Teresa Liuzzo :-
Whether or not I get your company, 
My soul chats to you 
My heart sways when I hear your voice
You say -
I am very close to your heart
I say -
You are in my heart!
You are miles away from me
I feel your presence -
with the winds blowing from the west,
I see your reflection -
in the playful waves rising from the sea,
Then the twinkling stars start humming -
"How close the two souls are!"
I know well -
We both are deeply connected
on an intellectual level,
The philosophy of beauty is 
also inherent in this intellectualism,
The message of peace and humanity 
lies in the unity of the two of us,
We will continue to work together 
happily in the interest of culture,
We will definitely create a new chapter!
Darling, you just stay close to my heart
And keep chatting with my soul for ages.

© Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 
Fatehpur, UP, India 

[This poem is entirely dedicated to my dear, great friend Maria Teresa Liuzzo. She is a great poet, writer of short stories and novels and a brilliant translator. Her moral and cultural commitment to work in the exclusive interest of Humanity and Culture, tirelessly, not only touches the heart but inspires those who read it to follow in the footsteps of her work carried out with enormous sacrifices and in a disinterested manner in everything the world, for the common good. She is an amazing and lovely human being.]

[Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer]

[Maria Teresa Liuzzo]


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