IN-Spite of This : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

In an attempt to express the abstract,
All expressions become dwarf.

In search of absolute power,
All the power of ideas
Gradually diminishes.

I am well aware
The conceptual capabilities of a human being
Have its own circumference
In-spite of this
I am in search of truth...

I will definitely set
A certain distance
On the path of truth,
I am pretty sure...!

© Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer
Fatehpur, UP, India 
22 October, 2018

[Poet : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer]

A Critical Review of the Poem In-Spite of This by Reviewer Himanshu Bhushan Jena :-
The poem, In-spite of this bears a rare testimony to ascertaining the path of eternal truth that is the unending quest not only for the poet but also for one and all who are in the spiritual realm to discover and rediscover the essence and existence of human life on the bedrocks of the transitory universe. No material wonder blesses eternal peace and perennial solace to the stormy heads. It's only the infinite -abstract that constitutes an amalgamation and divine congregation of universal truth, beauty and goodness as a whole . However, it's only the man who can be superman, the mind be the supermind as visualized by Sri Aurobindo through his integral education. In this context, human limitations are not to be ignored as a human being has his own conceptual configuration and delimitation too. But the unending quest for finding out the path of truth in order to mingle in the Absolute goes a long way in meeting the desired destination as strongly confessed by the poet's in-depth magical poetic verses. Congratulations to the esteemed poet for composing such a unique poem on the path of absolute truth, the path of our real emancipation and enlightenment.
- Himanshu Bhushan Jena 
(Reviewer, PoeMarium)
Raipur, Jajpur, Odisha
17 March, 2019

[Reviewer : Himanshu Bhushan Jena]


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